FTC Robotics outreach
Mugwort removal
Pollinator Garden Installation
HPHS Outstanding Student
Unsung Heroes of Highland Park High School
Tee Atwater Indoor Track 3200m
Volleyball Tournament winners
Highland Park Model UN wins in Philadelphia
Highland Park Robotics Team
Omar Edwards' Soul on Tap sponsored by Creative Talent Group and Ms. Susan Settles
AP Computer Science Female Diversity Award
Mr. Keith Sachs speaks to our Juniors
HP Thrift's June event. Haia Elmoghani
The cross country team, this year's division champs. Luca Sheldon
Mayor Gayle Brill-Mittler, Superintendent Dr. Kristina Nicosia and NJ assemblyman Sterley Stanley cut the ribbon to inaugurate the Highland Park High School
Soccer players Emma, Maddie, Ana, Yaya, and Teji. Haia Elmoghani