Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)

Welcome to Highland Park's district website for Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB). The resources below will help you better navigate incidents that fall under NJ's HIB Law official known as the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. Whether a conflict falls under HIB classification or not, all incidents are encouraged to be reported to a school official for review. Regardless of whether a reported incident is deemed a confirmed incident of HIB or not, all conflicts will be addressed. Offending parties may be assigned disciplinary action if their actions are deemed to be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Our ultimate goal is to repair the harm done in the conflict so that both parties may return to their educational environment, reasonably free of disruptions.

Each school in the Highland Park School District has a designated Anti-Bullying Specialist (ABS) who works closely with their building administrators to investigate reported incidents, so that all information is taken into account during the incident determination. HIB incidents may be reported directly to the principal or assistant principal in the school building, or to the ABS. Incidents may be reported via phone, email, or by submitting a completed Incident Form.

Please reach out if you have any questions regarding HIB or incidents of HIB.


Tara Young

Anti-Bullying Coordinator (ABC), Highland Park School District

Ext. 2018

School Contacts:

Irving Primary School

Bartle Elementary School

Highland Park Middle School

Highland Park High School

Megan McNally, Principal, ext. 1098

Robert Maruca, ABS, ext. 1025

Jennifer Knapp, Principal, ext. 2098

Brooke Baldizzone, Assistant Principal, ext. 2097

Tracey Maiden, ABS, ext. 2100

Caitlin Brady, Principal, ext. 3098

Kevin DiPane, Assistant Principal, ext. 3097

Mark LoBianco, ABS, ext. 3018

Dr. Kristina Donovan, Principal, ext. 4098

Jason Richardson, Assistant Principal, ext. 4097

Dana O'Sullivan, ABS, ext. 4018 (on maternity leave)

Melissa Hayes, ABS Leave Replacement, ext. 4019
